Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In my Hand

Think of all the things you hold in your hands everyday! Holding something tight in your hand ensures that it is in a safe place and close to you.  Each first grader wrote about the most important thing in their life, whether you can really touch it or it's special in your heart. We traced our hands and sculpted that item in the center to show others what we truly care about most!

4th/5th Figure Sculptures

The human form is a popular theme in artwork from all time periods and all styles! A body can tell a personal story, make you feel a powerful emotion, or teach us about somebody important. After planning and sketching, 4th and 5th grade made a 3-d human figure out of newspaper, wire, paper mache, and paint! It's pretty impressive how they made such powerful 3-D artwork out of mostly 2-D materials! And they aren't just beautiful to look at! If you ask the artists, each of these sculptures has a strong meaning behind them too!

2nd/3rd Metal Heads

Artists have been recycling trash and turning it into beautiful artwork forever! Some artists like Vik Muniz even uses trash from landfills to create portraits and raise money to donate to people in need. Using old soda cans, cardboard, and paint, we made recycled art inspired by artist Didier Triglia in hopes that people would interpret our messages and be aware of what we are throwing away!

Organic Shapes

Dale Chihuly is a contemporary glass artist who makes larger than life organic shapes out of glass and installs them all over the world! You may have seen his colorful work on the ceilings at the Bellagio in Las Vegas!Using watercolors and collage techniques, we made our own organic shape installations in the art room!