Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Adams 14 Art Fest!

It's that time of year! Arts Fest Week  starts April 15th at Adams City High School! The opening ceremony is from 5-7 on Monday night. If you are in the art show, make sure you show up by 5:30 to recieve your ribbon and see if you have won an art award!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2/3 Big Mouth Sculptures

For our first ceramic project this year, second and third graders made big mouth sculptures of any creature they chose to express an emotion.  Instead of glazing, we used a crayon ink resist finish!

1st Grade Gyotaku Fish Rubbings

Japanese fisherman would create gyotaku fish rubbings of real fish after they were caught to record their size. Later this became a popular art form.  After writing a short story, first graders used a rubber fish to print on top of their watercolor backgrounds as an illustration!

K/1 Pop Art

In class we discussed and observed how Pop Artists used bright colors, patterns, and shapes to express popular items in everyday life. For our own Pop Art, each student picked a common item from our culture and used the elements of art to draw attention to it!